家庭保育園 どれみふぁ

DoReMiFa Day Nursery


保護者 保育者

Our Partnership


In our practice, we believe the key to children realising their potential is a strong partnership between you, the parents, and us, the carers. Therefore we would like to communicate with each other in the following ways:

♪ 朝の登園時にはお子様の

♪ When you drop your child off at the nursery, we listen to how they were the night before, and when you pick up your child from the nursery, we will tell you how they were at the nursery.

♪ 何か心配事があるときには

♪ If you have any concerns about your child, we can organise a meeting between you and our carers at any time.

♪ 成長記録日記を交換し合い、お子様が今、何に興味があるのか、園、家庭でどのように過ごしているのかを伝え合います。この成長記録日記はお子様が大きくなったときには良い思い出帳と

♪ We provide a bespoke diary for your child. We write about how they are in the nursery and you can write about how they are at home. This allows us to exchange information about your child, such as what they have achieved or what they are interested in. This diary will also be a great memory book recording how your child grows up!

♪ 保育中に撮影した写真を保育室内に掲示することで保護者の方はより良くお子様の園での様子がわかるようになります。

♪ We take photos of your child regularly and put them up on the nursery walls, so you can see how they enjoy their time at nursery.

♪ お子様が本園で楽しく過ごしている様子がよりよく伝わるよう、お子様のお誕生日には園での様子を撮影した動画のDVDを

♪ We will give you a DVD as a birthday present showing how your child enjoys their time at nursery.